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From Red TeamThis is a ShoutWiki help page, hosted at ShoutWiki Hub. If you want to suggest changes, leave a message on its talk page. If you want to replace this page with a custom help page for your wiki, click the create button above. References use Extension:Cite to provide in-line notes (frequently source citations, hence the extension name, but also explanatory or peripheral text) using Making simple referencesThe Cite extension comes with MediaWiki 1.21 and above and should already be installed on every wiki. Editors should generally add reference text between The Mary<ref>Some note</ref> had a little lamb.<br /> Its fleece was white as snow;<ref>Some other note</ref><br /> And everywhere<ref>Yet more notes</ref> that Mary went<br /> The lamb was sure to go. ==References== <references /> creates Mary[1] had a little lamb. References
Some wikis may use citation templates to compile the details of a reference and to format punctuation and other markup, such as italics and quotation marks. Place such templates inside the Naming and grouping references
To define a named reference (with optional group):
To reuse a named reference (with optional group):
To list a group of references:
Named references must be defined only once within each group, so that the name/group combination specifies only one reference. Name and group values must follow these rules:
Mary<ref name="word">Some note</ref> had a little lamb.<br /> Its fleece was white as snow;<ref group="line">Some other note</ref><br /> And everywhere<ref name="word"/> that Mary went<br /> The lamb was sure to go. ==References== <references /> ==Line notes== <references group="line"/> creates Mary[1] had a little lamb. References
Line notes
Notice that the in-line index prepends the group value. Predefining referencesEditors can define some or all of the references within the Mary<ref name="n1"/> had a little lamb.<br /> Its fleece was white as snow;<ref name="n2"/><br /> And everywhere<ref name="n3"/> that Mary went<br /> The lamb was sure to go. ==References== <references> <ref name="n1">Some note</ref> <ref name="n2">Some other note</ref> <ref name="n3">Yet more notes</ref> </references> creates Mary[1] had a little lamb. References
Creating non-decimal indicesThe default indices on references are decimal, which work without any special set-up. There are a few pieces required to get non-decimal indices. First, the extension can use
The string can extend as long as desired, with aa, ab, ac, ..., zx, zy, zz, aaa, aab, aac, ..., zzz, etc. Next, Administrators need to create some CSS. The following example is simple. More complex CSS is also possible. .lower-alpha ol {
list-style-type: lower-alpha;
Preferably put the CSS in Finally, when creating references, editors need to specify the special-case group name and wrap the reference list in a Mary<ref group="lower-alpha">Some note</ref> had a little lamb.<br /> Its fleece was white as snow;<ref group="lower-alpha">Some other note</ref><br /> And everywhere<ref group="lower-alpha">Yet more notes</ref> that Mary went<br /> The lamb was sure to go. ==References== <div class="lower-alpha"><references group="lower-alpha"/></div> creates Mary[a] had a little lamb. References
The ReferencesPortions of the text on this help page are based on: See also: |
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